Friday, February 25, 2011

New Book - A Course Correction

It's been three months and a week since I began writing a book full-time, but after three months of exhaustive readings, contemplation and introspection, I began to feel that probably I have bitten more than I can chew. The subjects on which the book was supposed to be written are so vast that I realised it was virtually impossible to complete the book in 2-3 years' time (as I had initially thought I would). Now I feel that such a voluminous book would take at least 8-10 years to complete, and if I try to complete it in 2-3 years, I would not be able to do justice to the topics because I would have to rush it to meet the deadline. Also, I cannot think of writing full-time for 8-10 years without a job because I do not have the bank balance which could last that long. And taking up a job once again is definitely NOT an option because my experience shows that trying to write such a book while doing a job simply doesn't work.
So, what do I do now? I was in a fix and needed to find a way out of this tight spot. And I found a way in a casual remark I had made in the presence of some of my office colleagues. I had casually hinted to them about the possibility of splitting the book into six different books. Which means that instead of covering six different topics with the same theme in a single book, there could be six different books on six different topics with the same theme! A sort of 'series' of books with a single theme! That was it. I decided I'll write these six books instead of writing a single voluminous book. This makes my life easy and the target very much manageable and achievable within the time-frame where my savings can sustain me. I expect that the publication of first book will bring me the money I need to keep me going for the next book, and so will the subsequent books. Most importantly, assuming that it would take me 18-24 months to complete one book, the six books will keep me occupied for the next 10-12 years (health permitting, hopefully)!!
Now, the next question was: what would be the topic of the first book in the series? I had no hesitation in deciding on this: it would be on spirituality, no doubt. God and religion are the most sensitive subjects arousing intense passions, emotions and reactions among followers, so I decided to deal with the topic first. After that, the next book would be on yet another hot topic: politics. Thereafter, it will be economy, society & culture, human understanding (philosophy) and science & technology, in that order.
The first book on spirituality should be out by the third or fourth quarter of 2012.